God Hears Your Prayers
Mar 11, 2020John records, ‘...Mary and Martha sent someone to tell Jesus, “Lord, the one You love is sick.”’ Someone went to Jesus on behalf of Lazarus and because they went, Jesus responded. The healing didn’t take place for several days, but it was set in motion the moment the Lord was called on. Have you ever wondered where your prayers go? ‘...There was silence in Heaven… And… another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a golden pan… with the prayers of all God’s… people. The angel put this offering… before the throne. The smoke… went up… to God with the prayers of God’s people.’ (Revelation 8:1–4 NCV) Why was there silence in Heaven? Because someone was praying! Heaven pauses to hear the prayers of someone like you. The prayers of all God’s people went up to God! Isn’t that awesome! Your words don’t stop until they reach the heart of God, so keep praying. Notice, the friend who went to Jesus on behalf of Lazarus said, ‘Lord, the one You love is sick.’ He didn’t base his appeal on the imperfect love of the one in need, but on the perfect love of Jesus. He didn’t say, ‘The one who loves You is sick.’ He said, ‘The one You love is sick.’ That’s different. The power of prayer doesn’t depend on the goodness of the one who prays, but on the unchanging love of the one who hears. Aren’t you glad? You may be deeply flawed, you may not understand the mystery of prayer, but this much is clear: action begins in Heaven when someone on earth prays.