Reach for Others
Apr 15, 2020Some of us know how to give, but not receive. As a result we fail to reach our growth potential or accomplish what God planned for us. Somebody within your reach right now knows something you need to know; something you’ll never discover on your own. Get close to them and draw water from their well. It’s pride that keeps us weak. Weak people don’t reach for others, wise people do. Moses asked God, ‘...Why…have You laid the burden of all these people on me?’ But He hadn’t asked Moses to do it all himself. Now that Moses was ready to listen God instructed him, ‘...Gather…seventy men…whom you know to be elders… Then…I will take of the Spirit that is upon you and will put the same upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with you...’ (Numbers 11:16–17 NKJV)
A newspaper carried the story of a woman who fell asleep at the wheel and drove her car through a safety rail on the motorway. It dangled precariously, 20m in the air. Motorists stopped, grabbed ropes, tied them to the back of the woman’s car and hung on till the emergency units arrived. A ladder was extended from below to help stabilise the car while firefighters chained the car to tow trucks. Every time her car moved she screamed. It took over two hours for passers-by and the emergency services teams—about 25 people in all—to pull her to safety. The fire captain at the scene said later, ‘It was funny. She kept shouting, “I’ll do it myself!”’ Are you like that? If you want to enjoy God’s best, reach for others!