Take the First Step

Apr 20, 2020
‘...Jesus said…“Get up!”...’John 5:8 NIV

At the pool of Bethesda Jesus was drawn to a man who’d been physically disabled for 38 years and couldn’t walk. That’s a long time to wait for things to change. Many of us would have given up. ‘When Jesus…asked…“Do you want to get well?”…[he] replied, “I have no one to help me… While I am trying to get in, someone else goes…ahead of me.” Then Jesus said…“Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”’ (John 5:6–8NIV) How do you see yourself? As a helpless victim? Wendy Blight says, ‘I lived like that…for 10 years. At 21 I was raped by a masked stranger hiding in my apartment. Before that I loved life. I’d just completed college… graduated with honours… become engaged to a wonderful man… and had an amazing job waiting for me… My attacker’s…act shattered my hopes and dreams. I lived in a prison of fear and despair. Then I encountered Christ… the words He spoke…pierced my soul. I…was the man on that mat (John 5:8)…accustomed to my place of sorrow… I enjoyed being the victim… I was comfortable. The Bible says, ‘...The Word of God is living and active… it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart’ (Hebrews 4:12 NIV) and it spoke personally to me. I knew I needed to take the first step. I surrendered my fear, pity, and grief… I learned God had a plan for my life and a purpose for my pain. However, I’d never see it until I had the courage to get up and walk. If you’re on the mat… open God’s Word. Let Him speak… promises of hope and healing. Before you can get off the mat, you must surrender your fear, self-pity, and despair. Will you do it?’

SoulFood: Lev 26–27, Mark 2:13–22, Ps 103:1–12, Pro 10:13
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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