Getting Along with Each Other (2)
Jun 1, 2020If you’re serious about restoring a broken relationship, before you talk to the other person, talk to God. He can change their heart, your heart, or both hearts. It’s amazing how different you feel after you’ve prayed. Often at the root of the conflict are unmet needs. Any time you expect human beings to meet needs only God can meet, you’re in trouble. ‘What causes…quarrels among you?… You want something but don’t get it… You do not have, because you do not ask God.’ (James 4:1–2 NIV) Instead of looking to God, you look to people, then you get angry when they fail you. Why don’t you go to God first? Then arrange to talk to them one-on-one. Even though you’ve been offended, God expects you to make the first move: ‘...go and be reconciled to that person...’ (Matthew 5:24 NLT) We say, ‘Time heals.’ Not necessarily; sometimes it just causes wounds to get more infected. Taking control of the situation reduces the damage. Plus, bitterness only hurts your fellowship with God and keeps your prayers from being answered (1 Peter 3:7). Job’s friends reminded him, ‘You are only hurting yourself with your anger...’ (Job 18:4 GNT) Don’t forget that timing is all-important. Don’t try to mend a relationship when you’re tired, rushed or will be interrupted. And don’t do it without proper preparation. The time and effort you’re willing to put into restoring it indicates the value you place on the relationship. So do it when you’re both at your best. You say, ‘I’m not sure I can do it.’ Yes, you can; God ‘...has given us this ministry of restoring relationships.’ (2 Corinthians 5:18 GWT)