Growing Stronger through Change (2)
Jul 11, 2020Max Gunther quipped, ‘When you’re [in] a tug-of-war with a tiger, give him the rope before he gets to your arm. You can always buy a new rope!’ Resistance to change just creates ulcers, sleeplessness and stress. So here are some attitudes you may need to adjust. Stop thinking like a victim, stop expecting others to rescue you, stop feeling sorry for yourself and reduce your stress levels. Take control of your own life! You’re not helpless, and the situation is not hopeless. God’s Word promises that you ‘can do everything…with the help of Christ.’ (Philippians 4:13 TLB) Then, stop deciding not to change. Instead of just saying ‘it can’t be done, I can’t cope’, put your effort into changing what you can—things like your attitude and your approach! It takes more energy to hang on to old habits and beliefs than to embrace new ones. Stop playing the new game by the old rules. When a car is stuck in second gear and tries to do 100 kph, guess what happens? Meltdown! If you don’t want to burn out, learn to change gears. When your life’s seasons, assignments or relationships change, begin to adjust. Learn to play by the new rules, otherwise you’ll keep losing. Stop trying to control the uncontrollable. When the music changes, it’s time to learn some new dance steps, otherwise you’ll finish up sitting on the sideline. You may not like the changes, but you can learn to flow with them. ‘We are perplexed… but we don’t give up and quit… We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going.’ (2 Corinthians 4:8–9 TLB)