God Is Getting You Ready

Sep 14, 2020
‘...first sit down and estimate the cost...’Luke 14:28 NIV

Before God gives you more, He observes [watches] you with what you already have. Furthermore, when He speaks a word over your life it’s like a seed; it needs time to take root and sprout. If God has planned it for you, don’t be impatient; ‘...wait for it; because it will surely come...’ (Habakkuk 2:3 KJV) Patience develops in us the ability to stand up to the pressures that accompany blessing. Look back; aren’t some of the things you’ve been through the very things that have equipped you to handle what you have now? Had God given them to you sooner you couldn’t have handled them, and He loves you too much to let that happen. Think: if you’re having difficulty handling criticism from a few people, how would you cope if God made you pastor or company president? Are you ready to pay the price? And, more importantly, are you able to pay it? The more God gives you, the more He holds you responsible for. Jesus said, ‘No man builds without counting the cost.’ Sometimes we want things because others have them. You say you want a husband and children, for example—but are you ready to start living sacrificially? You say you need a wife, but are you ready to give yourself for her? (Ephesians 5:25) Whatever you’re going through today, there’s great peace in knowing that nothing the enemy does can pre-empt [prevent] God’s plan. So, ‘Don’t be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep travelling steadily along His pathway and in due season He will honour you with every blessing.’ (Psalm 37:34 TLB) Rejoice; God is getting you ready.

SoulFood: Eze 34–36, Luke 22:1–13, Ps 78:56–64, Pro 20:25
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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