Dealing With Fear (7)
Mar 21, 2022During the American Revolution, Spain gained control of the Bahamas. In April of 1783, Andrew Deveaux, a lieutenant-colonel from South Carolina, recruited a handful of militiamen and Harbour Island settlers to retake the capital of the Bahamas using a clever strategy. Deveaux had only 200 men with him, a far smaller force than that of the Spanish, but he managed to capture the high ground on the island after a brief skirmish. The Spaniards then watched as boats repeatedly ferried load after load of men from Deveaux’s ships to his defensive position on the shore. What the Spaniards didn’t know was that the same men kept going back and forth, standing up on their trip over to the island, and hiding themselves by lying low in the boat on the trip back to the ships. The leader of the Spanish troops, fearing a defeat from a larger force in an invulnerable position, surrendered.
When you succumb to fear, you’re already beaten. People ruled by fear stay where it’s safe. And that’s sad, because you can’t reach your potential by staying where it’s safe. Shakespeare said, ‘Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose what we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.’ What would you attempt in life if you were sure you couldn’t fail?
Before you answer, read these words of David: ‘When I cry out to You… my enemies will turn back… I know, because God is for me.’ (Psalm 56:9 NKJV) Believe that God is on your side today, then step out and attempt the thing you’re afraid to do! You’ll never be the same again—you’ll be liberated!