Getting beyond the guesswork (3)
Mar 6, 2024Here are two more ways to know God’s will for your life: 1) Providential circumstances. When God is leading, the way will open up for you. When He sends you, He goes before you (see John 10:4). His Word says, ‘What He opens, no one can close; and what He closes, no one can open.’ Who opens the right doors? God. Who closes the wrong doors? God. The right doors lead to blessing, but the wrong doors lead to pain and loss. Plus, nothing but unbelief can keep a door closed once God commands it to open. The only help God needs from you is: ‘Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and see the Lord’s salvation that He will accomplish for you today;’ (Exodus 14:13 CSB). 2) Inner traffic lights. The old-timers in the faith would say, ‘I always watch for the checks in my spirit! You’re a new creature with a new spiritual nature that’s alive unto God, equipped to sense God moving within you (see Romans 6:11). And while the counsel of wise and mature Christians can help, the last word must be spoken in your own heart. ‘For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.’ (Philippians 2:13 NKJV). If your will is surrendered to God, He is at work in you directing your will and behaviours. Believe it because He declares it! He will give you the red light when He wants you to stop and the green light when He wants you to go. Don’t go on red! Don’t stop on green!