Trust God, and do good

Aug 29, 2024
‘Trust in the LORD and do good; Live in the land and cultivate faithfulness.’Psalm 3 7:3 NASB20

Sometimes when we have problems, we withdraw from normal life and spend all our time worrying and trying to solve them. We talk about them to anyone who will listen. All this is an unproductive activity that prevents us from doing what we should be doing, which is ‘doing good’. If you want to experience the benefits of God’s faithfulness, you must do two things:

1) ‘Trust in the Lord.’

2) ‘And do good.

When we have problems, it feels counterintuitive to focus on blessing others. But it’s not; it’s actually a very powerful thing to do. It takes your mind off yourself and your problem. Plus, you’re sowing good seed that ultimately brings your good harvest. Falling into self-pity, fretting, and talking negatively prevent God from helping you. But trusting Him and persisting in doing good for others release Him to work on your behalf. We may know it’s wrong to worry and yet continue worrying. We must realise that none of God’s promises works for us until we actually obey His Word.

Knowledge alone won’t solve your problems; you must take action and be obedient no matter how you feel. You might not feel like keeping a commitment or doing something to help someone else, but when you do it, God goes to work on your behalf. So, one of the keys to overcoming fear and worry is doing what God has told you to do regardless of how you feel.

SoulFood: 2 Chr 32-34, Luke 18:1-17, Ps 119:145-160, Pro 22:14-16
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2024

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