It’s Time to Move On!
Aug 30, 2020For 400 years the Israelites had been slaves to the Egyptians. Then just when they thought they’d escaped Pharaoh, he showed up at the Red Sea. And that’s when God intervened, causing them to sing, ‘Pharaoh’s chariots and his army He has cast into the sea.’ And God wants to do the same for you. Regardless of what has happened, He can bring you through it and give you a new song. Will it happen quickly or easily? No, we get through it in different ways and at different rates. How did the Israelites get through the Red Sea? One step at a time! But when they got to the other side that body of water became the dividing line between their past and their future. But to get beyond your past you must forgive, and keep on forgiving until the past loses its hold over you. You must rise up and declare by faith that the power those old issues had over you is broken. Jesus promised that when His word on the issue becomes your word on it, your circumstances will begin to change (Mark 11:23–26). So make God’s Word the final word! But look out, old memories will try to negotiate another deal to see if you’re serious about moving on. Paul writes, ‘Reckon yourselves to be dead.’ (Romans 6:11 NKJV) Now, death alone doesn’t bring closure; you need burial. So establish a time, a place and an sign that reads, ‘The past ends right here!’ Tell Pharaoh, ‘Your hosts and your ghosts can’t hurt me any more’, and move on!