Obstacles To Answered Prayer (2)

‘You don’t get it because your motives are all wrong.’ James 4:3 NLT Another obstacle to answered prayer is selfishness. In the Lord’s Prayer, you won’t find the words ‘I’, or ‘me’, or ‘my’, or ‘mine’. What you will find instead, is: ‘Give us this day our daily bread;...

Obstacles To Answered Prayer (1)

‘Call to Me, and I will answer you.’ Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV For the next few days let’s look at some reasons why our prayers aren’t answered. First, fallen angelic powers. For three weeks Daniel prayed and got no answer. Why? Because an evil force in the spiritual realm,...

A Word For The New Year (4)

‘A land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end.’ Deuteronomy 11:12 NKJV This year God will take care of you. Like a good father taking care of a child he loves, God will watch...

A Word For The New Year (3)

‘A land of hills and valleys which drinks water from the rain of Heaven.’ Deuteronomy 11:11 NKJV This year look to God for your needs: ‘The land which you cross over to possess… drinks water from the rain of Heaven.’ No matter what political party is in power, what...

A Word For The New Year (2)

‘A land of hills and valleys.’ Deuteronomy 11:11 NKJV This year you will face some mountains and go through some valleys. And you need both. The strength gained from climbing and conquering your last mountain is what will get you through your next valley. It’s in the...